Advertise has been born out of a passion for football, with our founders and team having been actively involved in the game on a number of different sides, including player management, finance, and serving football media to millions of fans throughout Africa. 

Now it’s time for something new, and with our team’s combination of skills and network, we know that there will be viral growth, and that we will be able to slice out a piece of the football fan market through delivering on our vision. 
With a very competitive and cluttered football advertising environment, brings a fresh new angle to the market with exclusive behind the scenes access to players, coaches and clubs that football fans have yet to experience. And this opens up an opportunity for a much greater range of versatile opportunities for both traditional football brands as well as lifestyle brands that want to meet the fans where they are at - on their phones, in their cars, and at home. We’re mixing things up, with opportunities from product placement, influencer campaigns, and product endorsements, to the usual traditional digital media opportunities, competitions and promotions for both above and below the line. 

We’ve geared our business for exponential growth, and so our advertising model is slightly different to our established competitors. Whilst we can’t predict how steep the adoption curve will be, we do know that we will be able to deliver exceptional value for money & ROI for our advertisers and brand partners through limited ad space, huge impact and various innovative mobile focused opportunities. It's safe to say, as a new digital era begins (post C19), brands that will thrive will be the one’s partnering with forward thinking digitally focused media businesses that can deliver Football Lifestyle across, Web, Mobile & limited release print products!

Our fans:
We cover a broad range of demographics in both South Africa and Africa, but especially the new aspiring middle class earners with new disposable incomes (LSMs 7-10, SAARF) which they are prepared to spend on their lifestyles, to experience & show off their success. This opens a new world of opportunity from fashion, food & beverage and motoring, to entertainment, home & lifestyle. Our readers are your customers. They choose to subscribe to a football media channel that is about more than just the on-field game & results. It’s about dreams, aspirations and hope, but more importantly the hard work, sacrifice and belief in the journey of life. 

Volley advertising will always be about crafting a campaign that meets your requirements for exposure, engagement and ROI. 

In our beta release, we’ve received overwhelming feeback from our readership asking for referrals about purchasing products their football idols are using or endorsing, where to eat & drink to see and be seen, which cars to drive, travel destinations to visit, and/or fashion to wear...they are hungry for products and brands they see through our exclusive media, and they can afford to get it!

As we begin this journey, we will only make limited advertising opportunities available across a few key categories. This will be sold on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED basis. 

If you're interested in advertising with us, download our rate card or drop us an email:

Advertising Rate Card Enquiry